July 27, 2024


Featured International Fires Recent News

AUSTRALIAN FIRE 2018: looking back at a huge loss, almost 3400 hectares,

https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2018/01/16/currandooley-fires-first-anniversary-sparks-reflection/     January 16, 2018 • Australia Currandooley fire’s first anniversary sparks reflection   Credit:  Currandooley fire impacts linger one year later | Louise...
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International Fires

Burning Wind Turbine in Portugal

That looks like a very expensive fire, good thing they didn't sustain casualties from falling debris.
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Dangers of Turbines

InvEnergy California Ridge Windfarm Turbine Failure

November 21, 2013 http://edgarcountywatchdogs.com OAKWOOD, IL. (ECWd) - Early this morning, there was a wind turbine failure at the California...
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Dangers of Turbines

160-foot blade breaks off western NY wind turbine

November 18, 2013 http://www.kentucky.com ORANGEVILLE, N.Y. — A 160-foot-long blade has broken off a turbine at a western New York wind...
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Dangers of Turbines

Taming Turbine Fires Before They Start: It’s when, not if…

Author: Scott Starr Volume: May/June 2011 http://www.nacleanenergy.com According to reports, the cost of a fire that damages or destroys a wind turbine...
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International Fires

Wind turbine goes up in flames

von Dana Heide 28.10.2013 handelsblatt.com   A wind turbine burned Sunday in Bördekreis in Sachsen-Anhalt. Firefighters stood by helpless, watching...
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Dangers of Turbines International Fires

Dead in fire wind turbine Ooltgensplaat

October 30, 2013 http://www.nltimes.nl   A wind turbine caught fire Tuesday afternoon in Ooltgensplaat on Goeree-Overflakkee, costing the lives of...
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Dangers of Turbines

Letter to Premier Wynne and Ministers Dangers of Catastrophic Failure

April 9, 2013 Letter to Premier Wynne and Ministers, In the early morning hours of April 2, 2013 there was...
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Recent News

Wind turbine blade snaps off in Iowa

Apr 9, 2013 7:10 PM   by Shaina Humphries http://www.kbzk.com Something big is missing at the Eclipse Wind farm in...
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Recent News

RSPB makes a killing… from windfarm giants behind turbines accused of destroying rare birds

7 April 2013 By JAMES DELLINGPOLE   The charity is making hundreds of thousands of pounds from wind power But millions...
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Dangers of Turbines

Three million dollar 187 Ton Wind Turbine Crashes From 200 Feet

Mar-10-10 http://www.democraticunderground.com   Three million dollar 187 Ton Wind Turbine Crashes From 200 Feet, Waking the Neighbor Across the Street. The...
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Recent News

Fire destroys top of wind turbine near Goderich

April 2, 2013 http://london.ctvnews.ca   There will be one less wind turbine in Ontario. An overnight fire has destroyed the...
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Dangers of Turbines

Concern over wind farms and fires

March 13, 2013 http://www.yasstribune.com.au   Residents around the Yass Valley are worried wind turbines will put their properties at risk...
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Recent News

Wind turbine collapses in Bradworthy, North Devon

January 29, 2013 http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk   A 35-metre turbine has collapsed near Holsworthy leaving the tower lying on the ground. The...
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Recent News


January 13, 2013 theland.com.au ALL rural districts have been harshly reminded that bushfires are a major part of our lives....
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Ontario Fire College – Calendar

A MESSAGE FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL OF ONTARIO The Ontario Fire College continues to be the focal point of education...
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Media Release

Communities Burned by Turbines

January 14, 2013 Media Release   The past weeks extreme weather conditions and high fire dangers across the nation, especially...
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