July 27, 2024


Bird and bat slaughter industrial…

Industrial Wind Turbines Are Slaughtering Millions of Birds and Bats - America Out Loud News Don't miss this incredibly detailed interview on bird and bat…

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Suzanne Albright Executive Member Turbines…

We welcome Suzanne Albright as Executive Member for Turbines on Fire. Ms. Albright is known for her writing on various wind turbine issues; including the…

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AUSTRALIAN FIRE 2018: looking back…

https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2018/01/16/currandooley-fires-first-anniversary-sparks-reflection/     January 16, 2018 • Australia Currandooley fire’s first anniversary sparks reflection   Credit:  Currandooley fire impacts linger one year later | Louise Thrower | Goulburn Post |…

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   Wind Turbine Fires Signal End of Land-Based Wind Turbines Posted by Long Islander on April 5, 2018 at 7:48pm Hanover, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Presque…

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