July 27, 2024



Wind turbines are neither clean…

We urgently need to stop the ecological posturing and invest in gas and nuclear The Global Wind Energy Council recently released its latest report, excitedly…

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Ontario Fire College – Calendar

A MESSAGE FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL OF ONTARIO The Ontario Fire College continues to be the focal point of education and training for fire services…

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Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems and…

The introduction of the Green Energy Act, 2009 in 2009 to generate growth in clean and renewable energy sources resulted in a significant increase in the…

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Smart Meter Installations in Ontario…

Ontario introduced smart meters, along with a “time-of-use” electricity price structure, to help consumers manage electricity costs. Over 4.5 million smart meters have been installed in residences…

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Firefighters and Wind Turbines

Fire Departments should develop SOPs/OGs on emergency incidents involving wind turbines. Fires involving wind turbines may present a health and safety hazard to firefighters due…

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Fire Departments should develop SOPs/OGs on fighting fires involving solar photovoltaic (PV) systems (also known as solar panel systems). A PV installation typically includes: Array(s)…

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GGLG Fire Presentation

Grampians-Glenthompson Landscape Guardians Inc. In 2006, the Department of Sustainability and Environment calculated that the average number of hectares burnt in country Victoria through bushfire,…

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